Saturday, March 5, 2011

My "OWN: Your Own Show" Review Update

Two months ago I posted my review of my "OWN: Your own show" preview (you can Check it Out! HERE) and I really liked it although I was a little disappointed upon realizing that I wouldn't be able to continue to watch it because getting the OWN Network on my home TV was not an option.  BUT I found out that you can view all the full episodes online! yay!  And so as time has allowed I have been able to go back and watch all the episodes.  Thank you Oprah!  Let me say that I am one happy girl now, Zach will be getting his OWN show!  Now I can just hope I get to watch it online also!  So if you haven't seen the show Zach has Cerebral Palsy and is confined to a wheelchair but that does not define him, I said it in my initial review, this guy is smart!  He will have alot of challenges to face and I send prayers his way, but he has already shown he has the heart to do what ever he sets his mind to.  It was awesome that Oprah choose both finalist to have their  OWN show and I have a feeling that both Zach's and Christina's shows will be great successes!  Congrats to the winners!  Did you watch the OWN: Your Own Show?  Did your favorite win?  I would love to hear what you think about it!  If you don't have the OWN Network and would like to Check it Out, you can GO HERE.

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