Friday, March 18, 2011

New House Parties - 3/18

Check it Out!  Reader Teri K. sent me this great pic of the Pull Ups Potty Dance Day House Party Pack she received from House Party!  I have also personally been invited to other House Parties and hosted my own Tombstone Pizza House Party.  Not signed up with House Party yet?  GO HERE and check out all the details and get signed up.  Here are the current party events available to sign up for:
*Green Works New to You House Party
*Little Debbie Cloud Cake Break House Party
*Singer Sew Very Easy House Party
*Weight Watchers Ice Cream House Party
*Bic Soleil Sunny Moments House Party
*Fresh Wave Freshen Up Your Life House Party
*Redbook Happy Hour House Party
Ad there are also over 18 and over 21 parties available for those who are interested in signing up.

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